Are you in the market for a new website? Are you not sure where to start? This blog post is for you! In this post, we will outline the basics of creating a website. Also, we will provide tips on how to find the right web hosting and design your site. So, whether you are a business owner or an individual just looking to create a personal website, keep reading for some helpful advice!

It’s okay if you aren’t a web designer or coder, you can still learn to create a site from start to finish, regardless of your programming skills. Lately, there are a lot of website builders, you can launch a professional website easily with the help of its streamlined and premade templates and themes. 

Creating Website Steps:

You can create your own website by following these steps:

1- Register your domain: 

A domain name is a necessity, Visitors to your website can find you on the internet at www.your-domain-name.com. Fortunately, there are plenty great ones available at NTL OF NYC for only $5 – $10 a year ( or less with promo codes!)

2- You need a hosting company:

Web hosting is the act of storing your website on a server. You need it to get your domain on the internet.
There are many different types and sizes for web hosts, but one that stands out in terms of both safety as well affordability would be NTL. You will definitely be satisfied with their reliable customer support.

3- Content Creation:

The type of content you create and the way in which it is presented can have a major impact on how engaged your readers become with what they are reading. The key here, however (aside from good old-fashioned quality), lies largely within these factors discussed below:

What do I write about? This will depend heavily upon my expertise as well as any specific interests or hobbies that may shape some aspect thereof; but whatever topic you choose must be engaging enough to keep people interested throughout their journey through your article(s). You want them coming back again and again so if possible, try linking into other articles too – this helps build SEO rankings while also providing fresh material!

4- Building a website:

You can either build your own website or have a professional web developer create it for you. Websites that are created with these tools allow users to convert text and images into content, which they then upload onto their server space – much like how word processors work except this process doesn’t involve any typing!

5- Testing:

Make sure your site runs smoothly on all devices and browsers by thoroughly testing each page. Errors may be due to small coding mistakes, so it’s best that you find these now before presenting a broken website to the public!

6- Launch

Now it’s time to put all of your hard work into action. You have spent countless hours designing a website that will now be seen by the world, so you want everything about this process from start-to finish being perfect!

Itching at what could go wrong or need more attention? Here are some helpful tips when creating a website:

  • Keep track of when your domain name will need to be renewed. So, that it does not expire. An expired domain could leave your business vulnerable to cybercriminals.
  • To keep your personal information private, NTL highly recommends purchasing Domain Privacy + Protection. Although it is a bit more expensive, it is definitely worth it.
  • If you’re looking for someone to write and structure your content, consider hiring a professional. 
  • Try linking into other articles- this helps build SEO rankings while also providing fresh material!
  • Keeping your website up to date is vital, so ensure you plan on ongoing maintenance.
  • Include your website on your business cards and in your social media
  • Mobile- friendly optimization
  • SEO optimization

To sum up,

If you want to learn more about our services or would like a free consultation, contact us today. We would be happy to discuss how we could help create your website!

Still not sure the right step for your online business?

get your FREE! 45 minute consultation session to discuss strategies and execute plans to emerge in the online world . This session will include web development, SEO, customized integration with work flow and how your current business will be represented online .

SEO Consulting - NTL OF NYC
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Lily Aldrin